What is exactly is Methylation and why should I care?
Methylation is simply the addition of a methyl group (CH3) to another molecule (enzyme, RNA, chromosome-DNA, toxin, protein, etc.) The adding or subtracting of a methyl group causes profound changes to occur as they activate or deactivate the body's life code and thus affect core life processes. The process of methylation continuously repairs DNA, so that the body's trillions of individual molecules stay 'young' and perfect. And, that's why you should care. One can 'over' and 'under' methylate in one day; try not to be too concerned about which one is 'you.' It's not black or white, but shades of gray (or shades of methylation.)
Methylation is responsible for the following:
Turn on and off genes (gene expression regulation)
Process chemicals and toxins (biotransformation)
Build neurotransmitters (dopamine, serotonin, epinephrine)
Process hormones (estrogens)
Build immune cells (T cells, NK cells)
DNA and RNA synthesize
Produce energy (CoQ10, ATP)
Produce protective coating on nerves (myelination)
Reduce the destruction of homocysteine
Reduce homocysteine
Prevent telomeres to slow down the aging process
Prevent hormone imbalances
Create SAMe, the precursor to serotonin and dopamine
Covert serotonin to melatonin for sleep
Help the thyroid to make thyroxin
Turn the stress response on and off
Detoxify dangerous chemicals and heavy metals
Support the liver's detox processes
Facilitate neurotransmitters (depression)
Cycle the heart's ATP
Make glutathione to detox every cell
Correct chronic fatigue
Relieve and correct fibromyalgia
Helps correct aberrant cells
Build the immune system
Assimilate vitamin B12
Manage blood pressure
Optimize male sexual performance
Support nerve transmissions
Protect nerve sheath
Support neuroendocrine balance
Heal muscle trauma
Clean up the extra cellular matrix
Support weight loss due to hormonal imbalance
Build bones
Reduce asthma and respiratory allergies
Make insulin
Protect the mitochondria production of ATP
Under or over methylating status is related to the production of methyl (between the SAMe and SAH cycle.) It's a concentration of methyl that determines if you are undermethylated or overmethylated. It is the overall activity of all the enzymes cycle pathways the determines your methyl concentration status. It is not the activity of one singular enzyme.
70 % of the population exhibit normal methylation
22% are undermethylating
8% are overmethylating
Approximately 70% of the people with mental disorders exhibit a serious methylation disorder. This could be due to either OVER or UNDER methylating.
UNDER Methylation: Symptoms and Personality Traits:
Oppositional Defiance Disorder
Seasonal inhalant allergies
History of perfectionism
Low tolerance for pain
Ritualistic behaviors
Very strong willed
Social isolation
Poor concentration endurance
Low levels of serotonin
Good response to SSRI's
History of competitiveness in sports
Frequent headaches
Family history of high accomplishment
Calm demeanor with high inner tension
Delusions (thought disorder)
High libido
Suicidal tendencies
Noncompliance with therapies
UNDER Methylation Issues:
Allergic skin disorders (eczema, hives, dermatitis)
Allergies; seasonal or airborne
Anorexia 82%
Anti-Social Personality Disorder 95%
Autism 98%
Autoimmune disorders
Behavior Disorders/ADHD 37%
Chronic degenerative disorders (mitochondria disease)
Depression 38%
Oppositional Defiant Disorder 85%
Schizoaffective Disorder 90%
OVER Methylation: Symptoms / Personality Traits:
High anxiety or panic tendency
Nervous legs, pacing
Food/chemical sensitivities
Sleep disorder
Self mutilation
Dry eyes and mouth
Adverse reaction to SSRI's
Excellent socialization
High empathy for others
Postpartum depression
High pain threshold
Low motivation in school
Absence of seasonal allergies
Artistic or musical ability
Belief that everyone thinks ill of them
Obsession without compulsion
Low libido
Antihistamine intolerance
Estrogen intolerance
OVER Methylation Issues:
Panic or anxiety disorder 98%
Paranoid schizophrenia 52%
ADHD 28%
Behavior disorders 30%
Depression 18% (negative reaction to SSRI meds)